O explozie a avut loc lângă ministrul turc al Sănătății în timp ce vizita o zonă afectată de cutremur
Un incident a avut loc în timpul unei vizite făcute de ministrul turc al Sănătății, Fahrettin Koca. O explozie a avut loc chiar lângă el.
The minister was in a discussion with health workers, at which point an explosion took place right next to him. Authorities did not provide explanations as to the cause of the explosion, but it apparently erupted from the jar around which health workers were warming up. No people were recorded injured as a result of the incident.
Nine survivors were rescued from the rubble in Turkey on Tuesday, eight days after the tragedy. The death toll reached 41,000.
Turkey and Syria are counting their dead among the rubble, more than a week after the tragedy. Thousands of people have been left homeless and are enduring low temperatures.
The two earthquakes, 7.8 and 7.6 on February 6, left tens of thousands injured.
"People suffer a lot. We asked to get a tent, a helper or something like that, but so far we have not received anything," hassan Saimoua, a refugee who stays with his family in a playground in the town of Gaziantep, in southeastern Turkey, said, Reuters reports.
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Several Syrians use blankets, cardboards and bottles to warm up.
"The needs are huge and are increasing from hour to hour," said Hans Henri P. Kluge, World Health Organization's Director for Europe. "About 26 million people in both countries need humanitarian assistance."
The story of the two spouses is an emotional one. They had only one desire, which was to become parents. Unfortunately, the devastating earthquake in Turkey took away this joy from them.
The bodies of two American husbands were discovered in the ruins of the house they had moved to shortly before the tragedy in Turkey. The two died hugged in bed. They had come to Turkey to fulfill their great dream of starting a family.
Read also: Hope is still alive in Turkey